A port of Delphi and Amfissa, the ancient city of Kirra in the gulf of Itea was inhabited from early Helladic times until the middle ages, according to finds that have come to light. An earthquake in late Helladic times and a ten-year war with Delphi for control of the Pleistos Valley and the roads during the Archaic period, did not stop the evolution and growth of the city, which, by the late 6th century B.C. had founded a major sanctuary, establishing the importance of its port in the Corinthian gulf. Currently many monuments survive, among which the wall from the ancient port’s facilities in the sea and the foundations of a building, quite probably a warehouse storing ship equipment, in Emporopanygiris square. A medieval tower holds in its walls the massive stones used in the ancient port, while a paleochristian basilica with a baptistery and baths, tells of a glorious Byzantine past.
