An ancient city of Boeotia holds deep inside, according to myth, the son of Zeus and Europa, Rhadamanthus, as well as the mother of the hero Heracles, Alcmene, and the oracle Tiresias. Aliartos gave the Boeotian koinon (league) its first coins, acting as a shield in its tireless efforts to regroup after the passage of the Persians, the Spartans, and the Romans. Nowadays, at its hilltop a temple to Athena returns with its fortification walls, embracing the splendour of the centuries.
Η διαδρομή Φύσης και Πολιτισμού “Οιδίπους” είναι το “ποιοτικό άλμα από τα τεχνικά έργα, σε έργα ζωής” και αποτελεί την πρώτη οργανωμένη προσπάθεια βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης με επίκεντρο τα μνημεία.