In 1810 Ibrahim Aga of Gouves built in Gouves, northern Euboea, a two-storey Ottoman tower-house, which, over the years, shook off its bloody history and became home to the lyricism of poet Georgios Drosinis. The poet drew inspiration for many of the works he created as a young man here, such as ‘To votani tis agapis’ (The herb of love) and ‘Diigimata ton agron kai ton poleon’ (Short stories of the fields and cities). Currently, the tower belongs to the municipality of Artemisio and has a small folklore collection including agricultural tools, home utensils and furniture, as well as Drosinis’ desk, along with other personal objects.
Η διαδρομή Φύσης και Πολιτισμού “Οιδίπους” είναι το “ποιοτικό άλμα από τα τεχνικά έργα, σε έργα ζωής” και αποτελεί την πρώτη οργανωμένη προσπάθεια βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης με επίκεντρο τα μνημεία.